Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Trump designates April ‘Second Chance Month’…

Trump designates April ‘Second Chance Month’…

A presidential proclamation issued on Friday stated, ” During the month of April, the US will emphasise the need to provide opportunities for people with criminal records to earn an honest second chance”, reports CNN.

 Affording those who have been held accountable for their crimes an opportunity to become contributing members of society is a critical element of criminal justice that can reduce our crime rates and prison populations, decrease burdens to the American taxpayer, and make America safer,” Trump said in his proclamation.

The President has urged the implementation of ‘evidence-based programmes’ in prison systems at the federal, state and local level that focus on job training, mentoring and treatment for drug and mental health issues. Trump made promises to crack down on crime a prominent part of his 2016 campaign for the White House.

In a speech at the Republican National Convention after winning the party’s presidential nomination, Trump vowed that under his leadership the US would ‘be a country of law and order’, CNN reported. In January, Trump held a listening session on prison reform with Republican lawmakers and reform advocates in attendance.


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