Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Kim Jong-un visits China..

Kim Jong-un visits China..

Speculations had grown when the Korean Central News Agency earlier on Tuesday said the leader had departed for China on Monday with his wife and top officials.

Later, a train consisting of 20 to 25 cars with blacked-out windows, was seen being pulled by two locomotives into Beijing’s North Station along tracks lined by police and paramilitary troops.

This is Kim’s fourth visit to China in less than a year. He  visited China  thrice  in the past year. China is North Korea’s most important trading partner and a key buffer against pressure from Washington.

This visit comes after US and North Korean officials  had met in Vietnam to discuss the location of a second summit between Kim and Trump. The two had met in last June in Singapore for the  first time. In his annual New Year’s speech last week, Kim had said that he was committed to denuclearisation, but only if US lifts its sanctions.

Speculations are rife on the purpose of Kim’s visit. Or to be exact, the purpose of China in inviting Kim. Kim visits China on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s invitation. Some China watchers say that Xi might want to send signals to the US that if the latter complicates trade issues with it or builds pressure in the South China Sea, it can play the Kim card. China, being the main backer of the Kim regime can wield enormous influence on Kim.

On the other hand, the visit is important for Kim too. The US has kept the pressures on North Korea by way of sanctions, which it has not eased even after the historic meet, till it denuclearizes totally . But this pressure Kim detests and has warned the US recently that his country is not going to yield to US strong-arm tactics.

So the timing for this visit remains a poignant move and gives both China and North Korea some muscle in dealing with the US


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