Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Trump begins prepping for potential Mueller interview: Report..

Trump begins prepping for potential Mueller interview: Report..

The preparations have been short and informal and included going over potential topics with the President that Mueller would likely raise in an interview, the source said. The President has not formally agreed to sit for an interview with Mueller.

But word of early preparations is the clearest sign yet that Trump and his team remain open to an interview with Mueller, despite concerns from some people close to the President that such an interview could expose him to possible charges of perjury.

The terms of how Trump would be questioned including whether he would speak under oath have not yet been determined. Even if he was not questioned under oath, however, Trump could still open himself to charges if he lies to Mueller’s team, since lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a crime, reports CNN.

In January, Trump said that he was “looking forward” to an interview with Mueller, insisting there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. Sarah Hucabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said earlier this week that talks were continuing between Trump and his lawyers about a possible interview with Mueller.

Deliberations over an interview with Mueller have proceeded amid tumult within the President’s legal team. Midway through March, the lead lawyer, John Dowd, resigned amid disagreements with the President and increased scrutiny in the probe.

Jay Sekulow, an outside attorney and Ty Cobb, who works in the White House, are the remaining lawyers representing the President in this matter. At least five major law firms have been invited but declined invitations to help Trump.


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