Home प्रादेशिक 67 Police, Home Guards and Fire Services personnel awarded Medals….

67 Police, Home Guards and Fire Services personnel awarded Medals….


In a function organised here at Raj Bhawan today, Governor Himachal Pradesh Acharya Devvrat presented medals to 67 Police, Home Guards and Fire Services personnel for rendering commendable services in the state.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor said that sense of dedication and duty were two important factors that contributed for great nation building process. Citizens should work with selfless approach coupled with high values to take the nation ahead for alround growth of the society.

He expressed concern over incidents of crime in the state, where drug addiction lead to criminal behaviour in youth. He said the next generation should be saved from clutches of drugs and sensitised toward the ill effects of such practices. He said ,he had personally initiated the campaign against drug in the state because involvement of youth in these activities thwarted  the pace of development and progress. He asked one and all in their individual capacity to work for this campaign and free the society from the evils of drugs and alcoholism.

Acharya Devvrat said Himachal Pradesh has been known as  ‘devbhumi’  because of high moral values, simple and honest living and virtuous life of ancestors of this pious land. People of the state will have to adhere to these high values to be true residents of devbhumi. He said it was duty of every citizen to work for common welfare of the society and not solely depend on the government for this work.

The Governor complemented the recipients  of medals and said that the nation was proud of their acts of bravery, which would be source of inspiration for others. Hailing the bravery of Kumari Shilpa Sharma, awarded with ‘Jeevan Raksha’ award, said that she saved her brother from the jaws of Leopard without caring for her own life.  He said, Kumari Shilpa is an example of bravery in the society and her feat will inspire other as well.

Governor also presented  ‘Jeevan Raksha’ medals to Sushil Kumar, Faiyyaz Ahmed and Dinesh Kumar.

Chief Parliamentary Secretary Shri Nand Lal, Chief Secretary Shri V.C.Pharka, Chief Information Commissioner Shri Narender Chauhan, DGP Shri Somesh Goel, Additional Chief Secretary Shri Tarun Shridhar were also present on this occasion.


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