Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय 51% voters say Trump isn’t fit to serve as President: Poll….

51% voters say Trump isn’t fit to serve as President: Poll….


Notably, voters said — 69 per cent to 26 per cent — that Trump should stop tweeting.

The survey highlighted deep divisions along racial lines. Fifty per cent of white voters said Trump was fit to serve, while 94 per cent of black voters said he was not fit for the role, Hispanic voters were split 60 per cent to 40 per cent.

Overall, 62 per cent of voters disapproved of the way the President handled race relations. Sixty per cent of voters said Trump was doing more to divide the country than unite it.

More Democrats than Republicans disapproved of Trump’s fitness for office. Ninety-four per cent of Democrats said Trump was not fit to be President, while 84 per cent of Republicans responded that he was fit for the job.

Independent voters were split, with 57 saying he was fit and 40 per cent saying he was not.

Forty-nine per cent of voters in the poll were in favor of the Democrats winning control of the Senate in 2018.

The poll was conducted September 21 to 26 via phone, among 1,412 voters nationwide.


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