Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Trump awards Vietnam War veteran with highest military honour….

Trump awards Vietnam War veteran with highest military honour….

Rose participated in “Operation Tailwind”, a covert mission that led a contingent of US troops into Laos in 1970, where they went into the enemy’s territory to cut off a supply route for North Vietnamese troops.
The field medic and his unit had to “dodge bullets, dodge explosives” during the complicated mission, and after rescuing several of his teammates, Rose was injured by flying shrapnel which “left a gaping hole in Mike’s foot”, according to Trump.

But Rose continued rescuing and treating more than 60 soldiers and “did not stop to eat, to sleep or even care for his own serious injury” for four days, until the helicopters arrived to rescue them, and once at the base he still refused to receive medical attention until after his colleagues did, the President said.

“Mike valiantly fought for the life of his comrades, even if it meant the end of his own life. “Your will to endure, your love for your fellow soldier, your devotion to your country inspires us all,” Trump added.


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