Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Pak PM holds one-on-one meeting with chief justice..

Pak PM holds one-on-one meeting with chief justice..

Sources in the judiciary said that the meeting was apparently suddenly arranged as it was not scheduled until in the evening. The meeting continued for two hours. So far officially no details have been provided about the meeting and its agenda.

The government and top judiciary are at loggerheads since dismissal of prime minister Nawaz Sharif who has repeatedly targeted the judges in his speeches. The tension between the government and the apex court increased when the latter in February rejected a law made by the parliament in October last to let Sharif become president of his ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party after his disqualification.

The repeated suo moto actions taken by the chief justice against various departments of the government has also exasperated the tension. Abbasi last month urged the parliament to decide who has final say in legislation while the chief justice hit back by saying that the parliament was supreme but it should work within the Constitution.

There is also increasing criticism by opposition parties about alleged encroachment of various organs of the state in the domain of others. It is believed that Abbasi discussed legal issues with the chief justice to remove friction and pave way for smooth holding of election which are due to be held after June.


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