Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Pompeo discusses Trump-Kim summit outcome with Moon….

Pompeo discusses Trump-Kim summit outcome with Moon….

According to the South Korean Presidential office, Pompeo told Moon at the start of the meeting that there is still “a great deal of work to do” and that he trusts that both sides will be able to cooperate and bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, Efe news reported.
Pompeo also said he was “confident that we took a very good, significant step in Singapore” and that the US and North Korea will work together to provide their citizens with the best results.
He thanked Moon, who has met with Kim twice since April, for his mediation between North Korea and the US, saying that if it had not been for Moon’s effort, the talks between Trump and Kim would not have been possible.

Moon said he was satisfied with the outcome of the summit and what is most important is that it has allowed the world to escape from the threats of a nuclear war and long-range missiles.

However, there was no mention of the suspension of annual South Korean-US military maneuvers, which Trump unexpectedly announced on June 12 at the end of the summit.

Trump and Kim had signed an agreement at the end of their summit in which they pledged to open a new chapter of relations, establish peace and work towards North Korea’s complete denuclearisation.

Pompeo also held talks with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts Kang Kyung-wha and Taro Kono respectively to further discuss the details of the Singapore summit.


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