Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय What make Trump tick..

What make Trump tick..

Well, Trump is not exactly a ‘good boy’. He is not like most of the other US presidents that came before him. Trump rules by his own rules, plays the game by his now-standard quirky ways. Since the day he won the US presidential polls and was enthroned as the 45th US President, Donald John Trump has been possibly the most controversial President the US or the world has ever seen. Some of his alleged acts eclipse Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal or William Jefferson Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal.
So what make Trump tick? Is it because he is not the usual good guy on the Presidential block? Partly yes. Donald Trump has charisma. This charisma is  a blend of good and bad. Charisma always attracts people. Since Trump talks differently, behaves differently, tweets differently- he has created an aura around him. You may dislike him but you cannot remove that aura.
Trump is an unpredictable person. Nobody knows what he will talk or do next. Take for example his declaration after the summit with North Korea’s dictator Kim that the US would suspend military drills with South Korea, a thing that stunned all including his own generals. Some say in Trump’s apparent madness there is a method. That is, what we consider an impulsive utterance actually has a clear deliberation behind it. Maybe he does what he does according to a clear, well thought-out plan. Only, we find it inscrutable or plain amateurish.

Many Americans find Trump’s style of making shock and awe type of bold statements even about his allies very effective. This shape up or face the music kind of warnings to friends and foes alike is what many Americans consider the right kind of approach where diplomatic wordings of past Presidents have failed to have the desired impact. Such people think that the way Trump is unnerving the world to benefit America, despite the risks of possible backlashes, will help the US in the long run. This approach of his is one of the things which endear Trump to millions of fellow Americans.
Two other things also help him. Despite occasional uneasiness caused by his acts, most Republicans are strongly behind Trump and he need not worry about inner party resentments against him. Then there is a total absence of any tall leader in the opposition Democratic party. And that makes Trump the lord of all he surveys.
But the most important factor that makes him invincible for now is the fact that despite all allegations- personal or Presidential- against him, not a single one has been able to implicate him conclusively. Thus, while Nixon or Bill Clinton had to pay heavier prices for their scandals or controversies, Trump has escaped, till now, from the alleged scandals or controversies. He has managed to wriggle out like the slippery fish.

In fact if the popularity surveys are anything to go by, Trump’s popularity remains stable no matter what his detractors might say.


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