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Trump’s shutdown plan a ‘non-starter’: Pelosi…

Thirty-one days into the partial government shutdown, Democrats and Republicans appeared no closer to ending the impasse than when it began, with President Donald Trump lashing out at his opponents after they dismissed a plan he’d billed as a compromise.Trump offered on Saturday to temporarily extend protections for young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children and those fleeing disaster zones in exchange for $5.7 billion for his border wall. But Democrats said the three-year proposal didn’t go nearly far enough.

With hundreds of thousands of federal workers set to face another federal pay period without paychecks, the issue passed to the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has agreed to bring Trump’s proposal to the floor this week.
Democrats say there’s little chance the measure will reach the 60-vote threshold usually required to advance legislation in the Senate. Republicans have a 53-47 majority, which means they need at least some Democrats to vote in favor.

Pelosi said the Democratic-led House of Representatives will be taking up their own proposals this week, adding that the votes in the House this week will be the “9th or 10th time” the House “has voted to open up government by putting forth bills that have passed the Senate under Republican leadership, but now they’re not taking yes for answer to their own proposals.”


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