Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Germany Plans To Take In 1,500 Refugees From Greek Islands…

Germany Plans To Take In 1,500 Refugees From Greek Islands…


Germany plans to take in 1,500 migrants currently taking shelter on Greek islands, government sources told AFP, in addition to around 150 unaccompanied minors from the burnt-out Moria camp.

Under a plan agreed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, Berlin will take in migrants who have already secured refugee status, giving priority to families with children, the sources said.

Merkel’s right-left coalition government is in talks over the plan, with her junior partner Social Democrats expecting a deal by Wednesday.

After a fire laid waste to Greece’s biggest refugee camp Moria last week, pressure has grown on Merkel’s government to offer refuge to the 11,500 left homeless by the disaster.

While Berlin has voiced readiness to open its doors to more than the 150 minors, German media reported however that Athens opposed Germany taking in more asylum seekers from Moria.


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