Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय What Happened To Titanic Sub? Contact Was Lost 1.45 Hours After Launch…..

What Happened To Titanic Sub? Contact Was Lost 1.45 Hours After Launch…..


A submersible carrying five people to tour the wreck of the Titanic on the Atlantic seabed went missing on Sunday. The dive craft’s command ship lost contact with the submersible and its occupants less than two hours after launch, after which it informed the US Coast Guard.

Extensive rescue operations are currently underway, with the craft’s air supply thought to last a little under three more days. Here’s what we know about the missing vessel, the company behind the tours, and its Chief Executive Officer Stockton Rush, who is believed to be on board:

The missing craft is owned by OceanGate and is named Titan. The sub is designed to carry five people – a pilot and four passengers – and is made of carbon fiber and titanium, according to OceanGate’s website. It measures 6.7 meters in length and is designed to reach depths of 2.5 miles (4 kilometers). The Titanic sits on the seabed 2.4 miles down.

It’s cramped and there are few facilities. Travelers are sealed into the cylindrical capsule from the outside. Inside the air is breathable and is recycled in a similar way to a spacecraft, and internal pressure remains constant. Facilities are sparse. At one end is a viewing portal 21 inches in diameter, which allows two passengers to look outside at once. There is a very small bathroom on board.

Right now, nobody knows. According to the US Coast Guard, about an hour and 45 minutes after the sub launched on Sunday, the submersible’s command ship, the Polar Prince, lost contact with the vessel about 900 miles (1,450 kilometers) east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Authorities said the sub is able to provide occupants with about 96 hours of air, citing information from the company. During a press conference in Boston at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Rear Adm. John Mauger of the US Coast Guard estimated that the air capacity may, at that time, have been reduced to as little as 70 hours.

The craft sits on a platform until it reaches about 30 feet below the water’s surface, where it can start its journey to the seabed without the turbulence of waves and currents. Upon its return, it docks with the platform and ballast tanks are filled with air, bringing the craft and its passengers back to the surface.

The sub can travel at a speed of three knots and descend at 55 meters per minute, with propulsion coming from four electric thrusters. Attached equipment includes powerful external lights, cameras and a laser scanner. David Pogue, a CBS journalist who took a trip in the Titan to view the Titanic in 2022, said he was surprised to discover the craft was controlled with a video game controller.


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