Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय S.Korea, US begin air manoeuvers….

S.Korea, US begin air manoeuvers….

The exercises will include some 100 fighters and bombers, and will deploy F-22 jets for the first time.
The objective of the manoeuvers is to improve the aerial capabilities of the allies, at a time of detente on the Korean peninsula following Pyongyang’s historic decision to enter into dialogue with Seoul. This led to the historic inter-Korean summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in April.
Pyongyang used to condemn theses war games, considering them a rehearsal for invading its territory, and usually responded to the manoeuvers with missile tests.

This year, during a meeting with South Korean officials in March the North Korean regime expressed its understanding of the need for Washington and Seoul to hold such exercises.


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