Home अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय Saudis, Russians “Close To Deal”, Says Donald Trump As Oil Prices Plummet…

Saudis, Russians “Close To Deal”, Says Donald Trump As Oil Prices Plummet…


US President Donald Trump said Thursday that Russia and Saudi Arabia are “close” to agreeing on production cuts to prop up oil prices.

“I would say they are getting close to a deal. We will soon find out,” Trump told a press briefing at the White House immediately after a conference call with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

“They’re getting close to a deal. That’s OPEC and many countries outside of OPEC,” he said in further comments.

They will “probably announce something either today or tomorrow,” he said.Trump said he would be having further discussions on the oil market crisis later Thursday.

Prices have plummeted after being hit simultaneously by a Russian-Saudi price war, in which both countries ramped up production, and the global economic paralysis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.

“There’s not enough room to even store it,” Trump said of the surplus oil around the world.The situation was “catastrophic,” Trump said, but added the market was “hitting bottom.”


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